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On time
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  • Planning
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  • Continuous

    Reduce emissions from Council's buildings and facilities by replacing lights with energy efficient alternatives.



    Lighting usually accounts for up to 15% of energy and LEDs can result in up to 83% improvement in energy efficiency. Total abatement potential will depend on lights remaining to swap over and hours of use.


Council will continue to transition the lighting in our buildings and facilities to LED, prioritising our highest energy consuming buildings and facilities.

LED stands for light emitting diode. LED lighting products produce light up to 90% more efficiently than incandescent light bulbs.

Council's Assets & Property team undertake an on-going LED lighting upgrade program. Many Council buildings, facilities and public lighting have received LED upgrades to date.


What's left to do?

  • Todo30/06/2024

    Rutherglen Hall LED upgrade

    Replace old 150W Metal Hallide lighting in Main Hall (Rutherglen Hall, 153 High St, Rutherglen) with new 100W LED lighting. We have allowed to replace 18 of the existing 30 lights as the new LED lights should provide a similar level of lighting to the existing.

  • Todo30/06/2024

    Assess LED upgrade gaps

  • Todo30/06/2024

    Yackandandah Senior Citizens LED upgrade

    LED upgrades at Yackandandah Senior Citizens (14 Wellsford St):

    1. Main Hall - replace all non LED lighting with new LED Lights. 10 x Quad 18W Fluro Panel Light with 27W LED Panels.
    2. Kitchen, meeting room, external veranda and toilets - 7 x Twin 18W Fluros with 11W LED Battens, 5 x Twin 40W Fluro with 48W LED Battens, 4 x 18W WP Fluros with 11W WP LED Battens.
    3. Stage Downlights - 11 x 200mm Incandescent Downlights with 14W LED Downlights
  • Todo30/06/2025

    Beechworth Memorial Hall LED upgrade

    Replace existing faulty fluorescent lighting in Supper room with new LED Diffused Light panels. Affecting NMI 6305595239.

What are we doing?

  • Todo30/06/2024

    Baarmutha Park oval LED upgrades

    Planned for delivery in the 2023 calendar year.

  • Todo30/06/2035

    Install LEDs in new buildings and major renovations/restorations.

    This is an on-going action for all staff involved in scoping and managing new building construction and major renovations / restorations.

    Examples of new builds with LED lighting include:

    • Kiewa Multi-Purpose Pavilion (2023)
    • Chiltern Community Hub (2023)

What has been done?

  • Done10.01.2023

    Chiltern Senior Citizens Hall LED upgrade (2021)

    Upgrade affecting NMI 6305640090. Action was grant funded.

  • Done11.11.2022

    Stanley Athenaeum LED upgrade (2022)

  • Done08.09.2022

    Rutherglen public toilets LED upgrade (2022)

    Affecting NMI 6305640764.

    Cost $2,817

  • Done22.08.2022

    Beechworth Lake Sambell Caravan Park LED upgrade (2022)

    Replacing fluorescent lights with LED. This action will reduce our Scope 3 emissions (leased facility).

    Note: Project not listed on Trellis because facility & utilities managed by tenant.

  • Done30.05.2022

    Baarmutha Park tennis court lighting upgrade (2022)

    New tennis courts and LED lights were installed to required sports standards.

  • Done30.05.2022

    Wahgunyah multi-purpose courts LED lighting installation (2022)

    New sports courts and LED lights were installed to required sports standards for tennis and netball.

    The new courts consisted of 8 poles with LED AAA-Lux lighting (spec sheet is attached). We also upgraded the lighting to an existing netball court with the same lights.

    Lighting requirements from the specification:

    • The scope of work comprises the supply, installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance and defects
    • liability service of materials, labour and equipment for the complete installation of sports lighting for the
    • redeveloped netball courts to a minimum Maintained Average of 200LUX – Netball Australia Competition
    • Standard and a minimum Maintained Average of 350LUX for Tennis.

    Wahgunyah Court Lighting Upgrade

    AAA-Lux Lighting Spec Sheet

  • Done16.10.2021

    Beechworth Library LED upgrade (2021)

    Partial LED upgrades undertaken in Beechworth Library in October 2021, affecting usage for NMI 6305007805.

    The project cost was $106.26

  • Done15.10.2021

    Beechworth former Railway Building LED upgrade (2021)

    Action will reduce Scope 3 emissions (leased facility).

  • Done15.10.2021

    Beechworth Historic Precinct (external) LED upgrade (2021)

    Partial LED lighting upgrades have been completed for external lighting for NMIs 6305007805, 6305599635 and 6305600194. These meter numbers correspond to the Beechworth Library and Beechworth Historic Precinct.

  • Done14.10.2021

    Rutherglen Community Hall (partial) LED upgrade (2021)

    Partial upgrade affecting NMI 6305641130.

  • Done01.10.2021

    Baarmutha Park (external) LED upgrade (2021)

    Upgrade to Baarmutha Park external lighting, in Beechworth. Affecting NMI 6305476083.

    Note: Upgrade not recorded in Trellis because facility and utilities accounts are managed by Committee of Management.

  • Done27.09.2021

    Beechworth Senior Citizens Centre LED upgrade (2021)

    Upgrade affecting NMI 6305599983.

    Cost: $185.36

  • Done01.08.2021

    Rutherglen Depot LED upgrade (2021)

    Upgrades occurred 16/07/2021 and 01/08/2021 affecting NMI 6305640768.

    Cost: $213.86

  • Done25.07.2021

    Beechworth Council Offices 'The Pines' LED upgrade (2021)

    Upgrades to Council Offices affecting NMIs 6305938407 and INSC05.

  • Done20.07.2021

    Yackandandah Depot LED upgrade (2021)

    Affecting NMI 6305630207.

  • Done31.12.2015

    Streetlight LED upgrade 'LEDing by Example Project' (2015)

    Helen Jones and Chris Nuck_Council Streetlight LED upgrade

    Street lights were significantly upgraded in 2015 to 18W LED lights which are more energy efficient than the former 80W Mercury Vapour.

    It was part of the LEDing by Example project, Council's largest energy reduction project at the time, which resulted in a significant reduction in energy use, operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions associated with street lights.

    The project included the changeover of standard 80W mercury vapour street lights on residential and Council-managed roads. It excluded decorative street lightning and VicRoads-managed roads.

    Approximately 98% of the old lights were recycled in the project.

    light housing recycling

    Waster recycling globes

    LEDing by example_flyer

  • Done01.07.2014

    Yackandandah Depot LED upgrade (2014)

    A large-scale lighting upgrade was conducted at the Council works depot in Yackandandah. It included to change over of all high bay lights and the majority of fluorescent standard lighting across the site.

    In addition to the energy and maintenance improvements, site users were impressed with the highly responsive and superior lighting output of the LEDs. The project led to further lighting upgrades at Council's Chiltern and Rutherglen depots.

    YK LED high bay 1jpg

Summary and contacts


01/07/2015 → Continuous30/06/2035

Responsible organisations

  • Indicative costs

    [Council to insert price of quotes or past projects]

  • Indicative savings

    Changing over multiple buildings at once to realise economies of scale.

    Operational savings through efficient lighting – savings reflect % efficiency improvement.

Information updated 25.11.2024

How this action contributes to the outcome