13Green switches
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
LowLighting usually accounts for up to 15% of energy and green switches can result in up to 10% improvement in energy efficiency.
Wire green switch circuits to easily turn off devices left in standby overnight or over closures (e.g. computers, monitors, electronics).
Devices left in standby consume power even when they are not in use, and can make up 5-10% of a typical power bill. By switching devices off at the wall, this waste is avoided. However, it is impractical to turn off many devices at the wall because they are under desks or behind cabinets. Wiring a switch to easily turn off devices left in standby at the end of the day or when a periodically used system is shut down will stop energy wasted in standby mode.
What's left to do?
- 30/06/2024
Gather data around existing green switch installations
- 30/06/2024
Accompany green switch installs with announcements, signage and training.
Green switches won't work unless we use them appropriately - showing and reminding staff of this energy efficiency tool will assist in uptake.
- 31/10/2024
Identify suitable opportunities for green switch installations
- 31/05/2027
Integrate green switches into new builds
Related actions
Summary and contacts
Indicative costs
[Council to insert price of quotes or past projects]
Indicative savings
Operational savings through optimised light usage – savings reflect % efficiency improvement
Add data to Energy Efficiency Register module of Council's Asset Management System (Unity).