21Waste audit of Council's offices, depots and customer service centres
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
LowImportant to assist in driving other waste opportunities.
Waste audits will help us understand the waste profile and separation behaviours at our offices, depots and customer service centres.
Waste audits will help identify improvement areas to reduce waste to landfill and associated greenhouse gas emissions.
Outsource waste auditing services to assess waste habits at Council's buildings (by staff and cleaners).
What's left to do?
- 30/06/2024
Create waste audit register to keep track of waste audits
- 31/07/2024
Follow-up review and action of audit results
What are we doing?
- 30/06/2024
Conduct initial waste audit of Council's offices, depots and customer service centres
The audit serves to:
- Understand waste profile and separation behaviours
- Identify improvement areas to reduce emissions
Waste audit data can be stored in Trellis as part of emissions tracking.
- Offices
Beechworth (The Pines), Yackandandah
- Depots
Beechworth, Chiltern, Rutherglen, Yackandandah
- Customer Service Centres/Library’s
Beechworth (Ford St), Rutherglen Library, Chiltern Hub, Yackandandah Library
- Audit bins day before waste/recycling collection day
- Tip contents of bins out and visually inspect providing percentage separation of volume
- Create audit register and report
- Look at solutions to implement better separation
- Staff engagement sessions
- Cleaner engagement session
- Potential changes to bin infrastructure
- Follow up audit to monitor behaviour change
- Council staff
- Halve Waste Education officer
- Service provider/s
- Cleaner/s
- Council's Communications & Engagement team
- Council's Waste team
Related actions
- 22Planning (On time)Develop a Corporate Waste Management Practices and Procedures document.
- 23Implementation (On time)Landfill diversion of Council's office, depot and customer service centre waste
- 24Implementation (On time)Waste education for Council staff
- 25Not started (On time)Waste contract amendments
- 26Implementation (On time)Send Council's office waste to a 'waste to energy' plant
Summary and contacts
Indicative costs
Assume $20,000
Indicative savings
Consider economies of scale by having multiple buildings targeted by the audit.
Waste audit results will identify key opportunities for improvement in strategies and behaviours that support reduction of waste to landfill.