25Waste contract amendments
On time
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Completed
LowImportant to improve accuracy of emissions profile.
- Waste contract provision for Council's corporate waste to be quantified in the next revision of the waste, recycling and organics collection contract.
- Completion of contract update
- Contract is able to provide regular data on volumes of waste and recycling generated by Council
What's left to do?
- 31/05/2024
Negotiate for quantification of waste, recycling and organics collection from corporate operations
Related actions
- 21Planning (On time)Waste audit of Council's offices, depots and customer service centres
- 22Planning (On time)Develop a Corporate Waste Management Practices and Procedures document.
- 23Implementation (On time)Landfill diversion of Council's office, depot and customer service centre waste
- 24Implementation (On time)Waste education for Council staff
- 26Implementation (On time)Send Council's office waste to a 'waste to energy' plant
This revision will ensure that the contractor is able to provide regular data on volumes of waste and recycling generated by Council as opposed to occasional audits.