22Develop a Corporate Waste Management Practices and Procedures document.
On time
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Completed
LowImportant to assist in driving other waste opportunities.
Develop a Corporate Waste Management Practices and Procedures document that covers Council's offices, depots and customer service centres.
Includes landfill diversion targets and waste disposal practices (i.e., waste separation, bin details, etc).
The Policy will reference the Plasticwise Policy, and include a requirement to complete the on-line training module for all staff.
KPI: Completion of Waste Policy
What's left to do?
- 31/03/2024
Assess current waste policies for Indigo and other Councils.
- 31/12/2024
Create a Waste Policy for Council's corporate waste management.
This is an action item in Council's Emissions Reduction Plan (2021). The policy should be overarching and address corporate waste management practices and procedures.
This policy is important to support other waste reduction opportunities.
- Create a Waste Policy which incorporates the Plasticwise Policy (include requirement to complete the online training module for all staff).
- Include landfill diversion targets and w.aste disposal practices (e.g. waste separation, bin details).
Related actions
- 21Planning (On time)Waste audit of Council's offices, depots and customer service centres
- 23Implementation (On time)Landfill diversion of Council's office, depot and customer service centre waste
- 24Implementation (On time)Waste education for Council staff
- 25Not started (On time)Waste contract amendments
- 26Implementation (On time)Send Council's office waste to a 'waste to energy' plant
Assessment should occur with a view to incorporating Plasticwise Policy and supporting landfill diversion targets.