26Send Council's office waste to a 'waste to energy' plant
On time
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
MediumAssume all remaining emissions generated by Council's landfill waste is captured from 2026.
Council does not have our own operating landfills. However, there is an opportunity to send landfill from offices, depots and customer service centres to a facility that converts waste to energy, and therefore have zero emissions as a result of the activity.
What's left to do?
- 31/12/2026
Negotiate sending waste destined to landfill to a waste-to-energy plant
Related actions
- 21Planning (On time)Waste audit of Council's offices, depots and customer service centres
- 22Planning (On time)Develop a Corporate Waste Management Practices and Procedures document.
- 23Implementation (On time)Landfill diversion of Council's office, depot and customer service centre waste
- 24Implementation (On time)Waste education for Council staff
- 25Not started (On time)Waste contract amendments
Whilst Council does not have its own open landfill, there is an opportunity to send landfill to a facility which converts waste to energy and thus have zero emissions.