23Landfill diversion of Council's office, depot and customer service centre waste
On time
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
MediumThe Victorian Government’s Recycling Victoria Policy has a 2030 target to divert 80% of waste from landfills. If achieved this would be approximately 1,634 tCO2e between 2030-2035.
Tender for a waste service provider to collect soft plastics for recycling.
Explore partnership options with broader business community.
KPI: Tonnes of waste diverted from landfill
What's left to do?
- 31/10/2024
Investigate engaging TerraCycle to assist Council with difficult-to-recycle products
- 31/05/2027
Explore partnership options with broader business community
- 01/01/2031
Tender for a waste service provider to collect soft plastics for recycling
Related actions
- 21Planning (On time)Waste audit of Council's offices, depots and customer service centres
- 22Planning (On time)Develop a Corporate Waste Management Practices and Procedures document.
- 24Implementation (On time)Waste education for Council staff
- 25Not started (On time)Waste contract amendments
- 26Implementation (On time)Send Council's office waste to a 'waste to energy' plant
Summary and contacts
Continuous → 31/12/2035
Responsible organisations
Indicative costs
Medium - high cost (annual contract)
Indicative savings
Operational savings through reduced kerbside collections which can be used to fund other collection schemes (e.g. soft plastics).
Information updated 03/18/2024
Will be informed by Council's first waste audit in June 2024.