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On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

    Increase staff awareness of and engagement in emissions reduction actions relating to Council's corporate waste.



    The Victorian Government’s Recycling Victoria Policy has a 2030 target to cut all waste generation by 15%. If achieved this would be around 306 tCO2e between 2030-2035.


  • Online waste policy training
  • Staff newsletter reminders
  • Create and/or improve visual resources at source segregation sites
  • Contract specifications for cleaners to follow appropriate waste segregation
  • Inform cleaners of waste audits
  • Invite cleaners to inform ISC of waste separation issues and solutions


  • Number of staff completing e-learning modules
  • Number of staff education articles or events
  • Number of buildings with updated signage

Halve Waste

Sustainability Victoria


What's left to do?

  • Todo31/10/2023

    Improve signage at waste segregation sites

    Creating at-a-glance signs to assist staff in segregating waste properly, with particular attention to common errors such as disposable coffee cups should help reduce waste stream contamination.

  • Todo30/11/2023

    Develop regular waste updates for staff via ISPY and internal communications

    Creating a suite of regular, recurring waste education reminders with seasonal themes or targeted responses to waste trends will help keep waste management front-of-mind and business-as-usual for all staff.

  • Todo31/12/2023

    Contract specifications for cleaners to follow waste segregation

  • Todo31/01/2024

    Inform cleaners of Council's waste audits

  • Todo31/03/2024

    Develop on-line waste policy training for Council staff

    Completing this training should set organisational expectations around staff waste generation and disposal behaviours, and include ways to reduce, re-use and recycle waste appropriately.

  • Todo31/07/2024

    Invite cleaners to inform Council of waste separation issues and solutions

What has been done?

  • Done11/10/2021

    Follow-Me Printing at Yackandandah and Beechworth Offices

    Follow-me printing cuts down on printing waste.

Summary and contacts



Responsible organisations

  • Indicative costs

    Low cost

  • Indicative savings

    Operational savings through reduced kerbside collections which can be used to fund other collection schemes (e.g. soft plastics).

Information updated 03/18/2024

How this action contributes to the outcome