- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
MediumEstimated 1,170 tonnes Co2-e between 2021 and 2035. Abatement can be achieved across entire fleet. Eco-driving can result in up to 10% in fuel efficiency.
Eco-driving can reduce emissions through more efficient operation of vehicles and machinery. Savings through reduced fuel consumption through more efficient driving will also accrue.
All staff operating fleet vehicles or equipment should complete training in eco-driving. The training will be part of the staff induction package, and refreshers will run at minimum every 5 years.
This action will also have flow-on effects on emissions generated through staff commuting.
What's left to do?
- 31/12/2024
Develop training and demonstrations for office and operations staff
What has been done?
- 29.02.2024
Staff EV test-drive day at Beechworth and Yackandandah offices
An EV test-drive day for staff, held over two days at Counci's Beechworth and Yackandandah offices.
Organised by Council's Fleet & Plant and Environment & Sustainability teams.
The aim is to get staff more familiar with and comfortable using Council's EV fleet - currently four EVs based at Council's Beechworth and Yackandandah offices.
- 06.12.2022
Staff EV test-drive day at Beechworth and Yackandandah offices
The EV test-drive day for staff was organised by Council's Fleet & Plant and Environment & Sustainability teams.
The aim was to get staff more familiar with and comfortable using Council's EV fleet - currently four EVs based at Council's Beechworth and Yackandandah offices.
The day was well attended, and the impact will be measured by EV use and mileage before and after the event.
Summary and contacts
Indicative costs
Low cost (estimated $385 per staff)
Indicative savings
Operational savings through optimised fuel consumption – savings reflect % efficiency improvement.
Training and demonstrations for two distinct user groups to speed up uptake of electric vehicles and equipment.