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    Purchase carbon offsets for Council's emissions that we are unable to eliminate.



    Council needs to decarbonise as much as possible, and remaining emissions will be offset through the purchase of carbon credits.


Council has a Net Zero by 2035 target. This means we will decarbonise as much as possible, and then purchase offsets for the remaining emissions.

We plan to take our net zero target further by seeking carbon neutral certification through the Australian Government’s Climate Active Program.

This is done by applying to the Department of Industry, Science, Energy, and Resources (DISER) which incurs annual certification fees and additional periodic auditing requirements.

Certified organisations can use the Climate Active Certification Trademark, providing a credible stamp of approval for environmental stewardship.

Offset units (or carbon credits) will be purchased to compensate for the emissions we can't reduce, and to bring our carbon footprint down to zero.

Offset units are generated from an activity that prevents, reduces, or removes greenhouse gas emissions from being released into the atmosphere.

These offset units are sold based on a dollar amount per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalents to organisations which need to bring their remaining emissions profile to zero.

There is a large variety of offset projects available. They range from revegetation to renewable energy, local to international, and may include other environmental or social co-benefits. Different types of projects vary in the cost of their credits.

International offset unit 2020 prices were approximately $5/tCO2-e and are expected to increase at a rate of $1.50 per annum to reach $20 by the year 2030. Australian offset units (ACCUs) were around $13-20 in 2020 and are expected to increase at a rate of $1.80 per annum to reach $35 by 2030.


What are we doing?

  • Todo31/12/2024

    Investigate carbon offset opportunities available to Council

    Council will investigate available carbon offsets.

    The scope of this investigation will include:

    • Council managed offset program vs existing third-party program
    • Use of Council land for offsets
    • National vs International programs
    • Cost
    • Opportunities to offset at the project level (e.g. carbon neutral project)

Summary and contacts



Responsible organisations

  • Indicative costs

    According to our Emissions Reduction Plan, based on our 2019/20 emissions baseline, if no further emissions were reduced Council's spend on carbon offsets would be approximately $146,000-$255,000 annually (based on AUD2020 prices).

  • Indicative savings


Information updated 05.09.2024

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